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YCT Program Info

614 hours

Yoga Classroom Therapeutics Teacher Certification

Completely Reliable

You don’t have to be good at Svaroopa® yoga – it will still be good to you.


YCT Program Info

Who Can You Help?

Classroom Therapeutics empower you to serve anyone who can “do a day.” If they get up in the morning and go to work or take care of family, managing a full day of productive activities even while they have pain or limited mobility, they can take your Svaroopa® yoga classes.  But they may need help with customized props, alignments, adjustments and variations.  Here is where you learn these amazing tools!

Svaroopa® yoga is well known for its rapid healing and profound inner experiences.  A student who can "do a day" can take your regular classes and you'll do these therapeutics for them.  One with a limited scope of daily activities needs a Gentle Yoga class, which you learn to teach in our "Intro to Teaching Gentle Yoga."  If they have a lot of pain or have a diagnosis or condition, they are best served in private Yoga Therapy sessions.  But most of them "do a day," so they can join in your group classes once you learn how to take care of them.  

Teaching Themes

Each YCT training focuses on specific Teaching Themes, a natural extension of our Teacher Training:

YCT Level 1 — Daily Practice, Core Opening

YCT Level 2 —  Abdominals, Backbends, Standing Poses

YCT Level 3 — Forward Bends, Neck & Shoulders, Balance & inversions

YCT Level 4 — Classical Poses, Vinyasa, Seated Poses & Twists



Once you have completed the related YTT Level with DTS, you are eligible for training in thatl level of Classroom Therapeutics. 

Radical Anatomy and Embodyment® Yoga Therapy Training are prerequisites for YCT4, though you may take them earlier.


Certification Tracks - These trainings are part of your earning credentials as:

Classroom Therapeutics Yoga Teacher Certification

Certified Svaroopa® Yoga Therapist

YCT Training Pathway

YCT Program Info

YCT Level 1

YCT Level 2

YCT Level 3

Radical Anatomy

Embodyment® Yoga Therapy Training

YCT Level 4


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