YCT Level 3 - Forward Bends, Neck & Shoulders, Balance & inversions
127 hours On-Site & Online
part of YCT Certification
Your physical improvements are obvious and immediate, along with your mind and heart being uplifted.
YCT Level 3 - Forward Bends, Neck & Shoulders, Balance & inversions
You are teaching more powerful poses in these Teaching Themes. You have some students who need help with the angles and help with getting the deeper spinal release. Here's where you learn variations and adjustments that make an immediate difference.
They know their body doesn't move as freely as they would like. They will get frustrated if they just keep going through the motions without making any real progress. The variations you give them are not to dumb down their yoga - these variations make real changes in their body. They can see and feel their rate of progress speeding up. It inspires them as well as the others who see what they are getting.
Svaroopa® yoga is well known for its rapid healing and profound inner experiences. These themes open up deeper inner experiences while they improve their physical condition.
Forward Bends
Deeper poses, deeper physical changes and deeper inner experiences. Forward bends open up a lot of change, along with providing a profound feeling of surrender, serenity and letting go. They cultivate the experience of yogic surrender, thus this is a blissful theme.
Neck & Shoulders
Everyone wants help with their neck & shoulders. Learn a powerful approach, completely different than the medical paradigm, yet easy to prove how well it works, all within one yoga class. This theme also helps your students by dealing with their mind along with their body, venturing into the next stage of the transformational process — on the physical level as well as the mental and emotional levels.
Balance & Inversions
Both types of poses are taught in one Theme because they share the principle of finding the point of balance rather than tightening to create a false sense of balance. Your ability to balance physically is related to your emotional balance and your steadiness of mind.
Prerequisites YTT Level 3 with DTS SATYA Member in Current Standing
Certification Track - This training is part of your earning your credential as: |
YCT Training Pathway |
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