YCT Level 2 - Abs, Backbends & Standing Poses
140 hours On-Site & Online
part of PYT & YCT Certifications
Svaroopa® yoga works by decompressing your spine. You do more yoga, you feel better. You do even more yoga, you feel even better.
YCT Level 2 - Abs, Backbends & Standing Poses
Getting up and getting moving, your Level 2 teaching themes truly prepare your students for life's activities. They can use their body effectively without having to think about it.
But some students need extra help in finding their abs, moving into backbends and finding spinal release when they are standing. In this training, you learn tricks and tools that make a big difference for them. Therapeutics you can do in the middle of class really serve the students who need extra help.
Svaroopa® yoga is well known for its rapid healing and profound inner experiences. It's so much fun to watch them get their life back. They feel younger and stronger, full of pep and enthusiasm. These teaching themes make so much possible!
Once they have gotten spinal release, they discover how easy it is to activate these key muscles. Abs make them able to live with their spine open, supple and strong. Learn variations and adjustments that make their abdominals work for everyone.
They need the backbends, so they can open out the crunch that life puts in.Your classroom therapeutics make you able to help the students who struggle with these important poses. They are amazed at what their body can do!
Standing Poses
Just like the yoga books and websites show, you’ll hae them doing the Warrior and other impressive poses. When you give them an adaptation or adjustment that moves them into the angle, they are so excited. Beyond excited, they are empowered to look at their life in a new way. They see themselves in a new way.
Prerequisites YTT Level 2 with DTS SATYA Member in Current Standing
Certification Tracks - This training is part of your earning credentials as: |
YCT Training Pathway |
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