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YCT Level 4 - Classical Poses, Vinyasa, Seated Poses & Twists

160 hours

Yoga Classroom Therapeutics Teacher Certification

Better than Happy!

Svaroopa® yoga opens your inner source of bliss, so you live in lasting bliss and share it with the world.


YCT Level 4 - Classical Poses, Vinyasa, Seated Poses & Twists

Your students are doing the poses like in the yoga books and videos - which can be very hard for them. You've got tricks up your sleeve that make it work for them. 

Learn to help them feel the pose in their body with variations and adjustments that really work. They not only make the poses more accessible, these therapeutic techniques make deep changes in their body. They can feel the pose and the powerful effects it has on their body and mind.

Svaroopa® yoga is well known for its rapid healing and profound inner experiences. These themes open up deeper inner experiences while they improve their physical condition.

Classical Poses

This physically challenging theme means you get to work a little harder and go farther than before. Work hard without pushing. The classical poses provide profound spinal release while strengthening your body and the power of your inner resolve.


Moving and breathing in openness. Now you link poses together in a continuous sequence, moving and breathing while opening your spine. This leads to living your yoga in the midst of the life’s challenges. Fine-tune the individual poses in each pose sequence, as well as connecting them in a continuous sequence. Graduate to increasing levels of complexity and mastery.

Seated Poses & Twists

The culmination of all the poses is found in this meditative theme. In the seated pose, you naturally experience the inner realms of your own Self that yoga promises. Plus the twists have a profoundly quieting effect on the mind, getting the things that limit your bliss out of the way. Now you easily discover the already-blissful, deeper dimension of your own existence, named svaroopa, the bliss of your own Being.



YTT Level 4 with DTS

Radical Anatomy 

Embodyment® Yoga Therapy Training 

SATYA Member


Getting Certified - When you successfully complete this training with DTS, you obtain your formal certification by being a member of SATYA and completing your certification paperwork.

YCT Training Pathway

YCT Program Info

YCT Level 1

YCT Level 2

YCT Level 3

Radical Anatomy

Embodyment® Yoga Therapy Training

YCT Level 4


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