Telecourse: Leaps & Bounds
with Gurudevi Nirmalananda
Online Telecourse
Watch FREE Intro Video - click here
Make giant leaps into Consciousness in Gurudevi’s Telecourse.
Learn and grow in this multi-media course, with substantive articles and teaching videos, all for you to do at your own pace. Gurudevi has created a sweet, yet powerful inner process that opens you to your Self.
If you have received Shaktipat initiation, this course draws out its meaning and receiving Shaktipat: what it is and how it works, as well as how you maximize the blessings it brings. Be filled up by classical teaching stories as well as verses from Sanskrit texts. As always, Gurudevi brings it alive with her personal sharings, making the process so understandable and accessible.
Take any of the three Modules or all of them. Each Module includes 2 Articles as well as 2 Videos of Gurudevi. This is a deep course, with meaningful material that will make a big difference in your spiritual progress.
Module 1: Growth Spurts — Leaping forward, bounding into Consciousness, how do you make fast progress easily? Log in here. (password required)
Module 2: Living Spirituality — Riding on the shoulders of spiritual giants, how do you incorporate their great gifts into your everyday life? Log in here. (password required)
Module 3: Ordinary Monks & Mystics — Outgrowing your past. Shaping your future. The loom of tantra, interweaving spirituality through life. Log in here .(password required)
Bonus Video: Resting on Your Laurels (FREE for those who enroll in all 3 modules). Log in here. (password required)
Each Module includes:
- Teaching article #1 (7-12 pages)
- Gurudevi’s video discourse #1 (30-45 minutes)
- Teaching article #2 (7-12 pages)
- Gurudevi’s video discourse #2 (30-45 minutes)
Move through the process at your own pace, whether you complete it all in a few days or it takes you a month. Your Module password will be valid for three months after your enrollment. Once you receive your password, no refunds are available.
Gurudevi taught this course in 2019 as her Year-Long Programme. New videos and updated Teachings Articles make it fresh and totally relevant to your needs today – that is, if you’re not enlightened yet. Not included are the discussions and Q&A that were offered during the live classes.
In this Telecourse, you have personal access to all the articles and videos in your Module for three months. You can dive in deep, even reviewing each offering multiple times. This is guaranteed to shift your sense of who you are, supporting your growth into Self from the inside-outward.
Gurudevi Nirmalananda
Dates & Times: All Modules will be available online on Wednesday, June 21 2023
Enrollments fees (enroll for single Modules or the 3-Module Package):
Module 1: Growth Spurts $131.00
Module 2: Living Spirituality $131.00
Module 3: Ordinary Monks & Mystics $131.00
3 Module Package: $351.00 (includes Bonus Video: Resting on Your Laurels)
When events beyond our control cause unavoidable changes, locations and fees are subject to change without notice.
When events beyond our control cause unavoidable changes, locations and fees are subject to change without notice.
Svaroopa® Yoga
Accelerate your spiritual development in leaps and bounds, also called growth spurts. Learn how to leap forward without backsliding - to maximize the joy!