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YTT Level 3

125 hours On-Site & Online

part of CSYT Certified Svaroopa® Yoga Teacher

You Can’t Not Change

Your physical improvements are obvious and immediate, along with your mind and heart being uplifted. Yet it is the discovery of your Divine Essence that makes it all matter.



YTT Level 3

Your students begin to catch up with you after a couple of years. Are you really teaching them if they know as much as you do? It's time for more - both for their sake and for your own.

All your yogic knowledge makes you ready for more. It comes in your new teaching themes which are Forward Bends, Neck & Shoulders and Balance & Inversions. The progression takes you from deeper taibone release in Forward Bends and carrying it through to yur Neck & Shoulders. In Balance poses, you learn how to use this openness as your center-point in the midst of life, while Inversions make you able to find center even when life turns you upside down.

This has been an amazing experience. By the 4th or 5th day, I felt liberated. All the YTT has changed my life, but Level 3 has especially shown me the "real me." - Suzanne B.

It was so much more than I thought it would be. The openings have changed me to the core. Nora B.

YTT Level 3 is a 7-9 day immersion, followed by your at-home DTS Mentoring deepening your knowledge base and supporting you in integrating your new skills into the classroom. 



Certified Svaroopa® Yoga Basics Teacher

SATYA Member in Current Standing


Certification Tracks: This training prepares you to continue in more advanced levels::

500-hour Yoga Teacher Training

Yoga Classroom Therapeutics Teacher



Trainings in CSYT Certification

YTT Level 3 & DTS

Radical Anatomy

Embodyment® Yoga Therapist

YTT Level 4 & DTS


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