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YTT Level 1

98 hours On-Site & Online

part of CBT Certified Basics Teacher


Full Spectrum Yoga

While working with your body, Svaroopa® yoga opens up the full spectrum of your being. Spiritual insights and profound healings happen without any sweat




YTT Level 1

You’ve taken Foundations and are ready for more. You want to deepen your yoga and help others get what you’re finding.  This training is your next step toward certification as a Svaroopa® Yoga Basics Teacher.  You learn poses for these Teaching Themes: Daily PracticeCore Opening.

Yoga’s transformation extends through your body, mind, heart and more. Your immersion training guarantees you: amazing physical changes, profound personal growth and the support you need for all this to happen.  These changes that you come to know so intimately, coupled with the detailed teaching protocols you have learned, make you an inspiring and effective teacher. 

“I’m leaving here a confident, competent and compassionate yoga teacher.” – Patricia D.

The training transformed my yoga practice but, more importantly, it changed the way I feel about myself and my world. - Lousie M.

Discover how much change you can get in a week!  Your dramatic improvements in Teacher Training are a promise of what your students will experience, though on a slower pace, as they usually attend only one or two classes weekly. 

Returning home, you are supported in our DTS program (Develop Your Teaching Skills).  Monthly calls guide you through bringing your new skills into the classroom while connecting you with other new teachers going through the same process.



Successful completion of Foundations of Svaroopa® Yoga or Foundations Review within 6 months of your Level 1.


Other Trainings Available after Level 1

YTT Level 2

Radical Anatomy

Embodyment® Yoga Therapist Training

YCT Level 1 (Yoga Classroom Therapeutics)

Meditation Teacher Training


Trainings for 200-Hour Certification

Foundations of Svaroopa® Yoga

YTT Level 1 & DTS

YTT Level 2 & DTS


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