Foundations of Svaroopa® Yoga
43 hours On-Site
CIT Certified Svaroopa® Yoga Intro Teacher
Watch your problems melt away as bliss arises within and overflows into your heart and your life.
Foundations of Svaroopa® Yoga
Welcome to the beginning of a wonderful journey. When you begin teaching Intro Classes in Svaroopa® yoga, you'll be thrilled at how easy it is to help people. Your new career (or sideline) begins after your Foundations of Svaroopa® Yoga course.
In this 5-day immersion training, you learn the most important poses, the Primary Spinal Openers. Bring home with you a deep experience and the information you need to effectively share Svaroopa® yoga with others.
Plus your own practice will be much more powerful. During the course, your knowledge of each pose builds day by day, pose by pose, especially while working in partner-pairs to give and receive coaching and adjustments in every pose.
I am still digesting all the goodness that came from Foundations. I will always remember the week as the 360 degree change for the better in my life. - Mary L.
I loved that it taught us the specifics of each yoga pose, as well as the meditations and chanting, and the intro into philosophy. - Lee T.
Learn hands-on adjustments, props, alignments and teaching methodology for 16 poses. You’ll learn how to design your classes and help students with alignments and props so they get maximum results with minimum effort. Also included are meditation, yoga philosophy, anatomy, partner pairing, stories from the ancient sages and an intro to the chanting of Sanskrit texts.
Your yoga-full days also include your housing, meals, snacks and breaks, with lots of yoga classes and deep guided relaxations. You’ll be amazed at how this yoga relaxes and energizes you. It makes you able to learn in a whole new way – organically. Easily.
Prerequisites None
Certification Tracks: This certification prepares you to continue in more advanced levels:: 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training 500-hour Yoga Teacher Training Embodyment® Yoga Therapist Training Classroom Therapeutics Yoga Teacher Svaroopa® Yoga Therapist Training Intro to Teaching Gentle Yoga and other EYTS (Enrich Your Teaching Skills) Courses plus new trainings which are announced periodically. |
Trainings for Yoga Philosophy Discussion Group Leader Certification |
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