Certified Svaroopa® Yoga Teacher
Gain your certification in Svaroopa® yoga at the 500-hour level with just four additional immersion trainings. Your Basics Certification paves the way for more challenging poses, more powerful changes and (best of all) diving deeper into the sutras and meditative practices. The changes you attain are a promise of what your students have in store as they follow the trail you are blazing.
This is a culmination of the teachings of yoga. It takes all the openings (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) we have gotten in our YTT trainings and brings them together in a complete package to fully experience the teachings on y`oga. Blissfully, easily, and integratively. – Valerie T.
Bliss is Your Birthright
Yoga is about bliss, the bliss of Consiousness. Svaroopa® yoga gives you experiences of bliss, then trains you how to live in it all the time. Your yogic bliss is contagious, infecting your students with a dedication to their practice because of what they get from it. And you know because it works for you, too.
Each immersion lasts 3-9 days, focusing on specific Teaching Themes. Your DTS mentoring follows for Embodyment® Yoga Therapist Training as well as YTT Levels 3 & 4, making you a confident and effective teacher who understands the true purpose of yoga.
Trainings in Curriculum

Our poses are doorways to the Self. They lift you out of suffering and reveal the ocean of consciousness within.

Certified Basics Teacher
280 hours On-Site & Online
CBT Certified Svaroopa® Yoga Basics Teacher, RYT 200

Embodyment® Yoga Therapy Training
65 hours On-Site & Online
CET Certified Embodyment® Yoga Therapist, part of CSYT and PYT