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Vichara Therapist Training

Dealing with your own is hard enough, but supporting students and clients through the process is even more challenging. The mind is very tricky!  India's ancient sages compared it to handling a live cobra.  You need some training.

Vichara is our guided self-inquiry process.  It clears the “stuff” out of mind and heart so the light of your own being shines through. 

I got more than I expected. I ended up more open physically than any yoga training I have taken, along with the mental opening I expected. - David F.

Since I got home, I have laughed more in the last few days than it seems I have in years. Maria S.

The vichara process is utilized in private sessions for clients plus you can use it on yourself. Vichara endows your mind with a yogic perspective that creates clarity and ease in your life.  All the yoga you've done prepares you to work with the mind directly through vichara.  The prerequisites for the course are deeply empowering in this way.

Our five-day professional training first empowers you to delve deeply into your own issues, tracing difficulties to their source in order to access your inner answers. Once you’ve gone deeply into your own mind, you learn how to truly hear other people in a new way and to help them transcend their mind.



Swami Nirmalananda, Swami Shrutananda, Swami Samvidaananda



  • Certified Embodyment® Yoga Therapist and have completed 50 sessions with paying clients within the preceding 7 months (client log required)
  • Certified Discussion Group Leader and have led at least 5 groups (with 4 or more participants each) in the preceding 7 months (participant list required)
  • Two personal Vichara sessions with either Swami Shrutananda or Swami Samvidaananda (available by phone) in the preceding 7 months.
  • EITHER a Shaktipat Retreat with Swami Nirmalananda OR Learn to Meditate course with a Certified Svaroopa® Vidya Meditation Teacher. Tiin the 7 months prior to the trainig. This may be done online. If the course was taken earlier, retake it during this time period.

SATYA Members:  Successful completion of this course does not maintain your current standing for your SATYA Continuing Education requirements, as it does not include training in how to teach asana.

This professional training is held every 2 or 3 years.  Check our calendar for scheduled dates.

For more information and to register, please Turn on Javascript! us or call 610-644-7555.

Svaroopa® Yoga

The Yoga of the Mind

Getting beyond what you think you know to discover the deeper knowing, and serving others who want the same.