Specialty Certificates
Half Day Workshops, Gentle Yoga, Back & Neck Pain, Deceptive Flexibility
You don’t have to be good at Svaroopa® yoga – it will still be good to you.
Specialty Certificates
Expand your class offerings by targeting special groups of students.
- Those who want to go deeper will appreciate your Half Day Workshops.
- People with limited mobility due to injury, illness or aginig will deeply appreciate your Gentle Yoga classes.
- Neck and back pain dissolve away with Svaroopa® yoga. Offer a class series just for these students.
- Former dancers, gymnasts and many yogis live in constant pain due to overstretched joints. Learn tools to give them their life back.
These Specialty Trainings are scheduled periodically. Check our calendar for upcoming trainings. Better yet, tell our Turn on Javascript! you are interested and she'll keep you in the know.
Half Day Workshop Leader
Teach longer, multi-layered yoga classes for students who want more. Take them deeper with new variations and adjustments as well as new teaching protocols. Expand your teaching skills, as well as your income potential.
Certification Pathway: Foundations of Svaroopa® Yoga, YTT Level 1 & DTS, YTT Level 2 & DTS, Leading Half Day Workshops & DTS, SATYA Member in Current Standing
Gentle Yoga Teacher
Create classes for seniors and for those recovering from illness or injury. You will be thrilled with their rapid and dramatic improvements and so will they. They are often able to mainstream into your regular classes once they’ve completed your Gentle Yoga series.
Certification Pathway: Foundations of Svaroopa® Yoga, Intro to Teaching Gentle Yoga & DTS, SATYA Member in Current Standing
Yoga for Back & Neck Pain Teacher
Watch your students get their lives back. Over 60% of adults suffer from neck or back pain - lots of people who need yoga. Delight in their renewed sense of aliveness and joy. Ending pain is one of the best ways to grow your student community. And it’s a great way to serve others!
Certification Pathway: Foundations of Svaroopa® Yoga, YTT Level 1 & DTS, YTT Level 2 & DTS, Ending Back Pain & DTS, SATYA Member in Current Standing
Deceptive Flexibility Teacher
Some students are able to move very far into yoga poses, maybe further than you. But they pay a high price for their deceptive flexibility. Their joints are hyperflexible, which makes their spinal muscles work overtime. This can lead to injuries, surgeries, arthritis and serious digestive problems. You can help.
Certification Pathway: Foundations of Svaroopa® Yoga, YTT Level 1 & DTS, Embodyment® Yoga Therapist Training Deceptive Flexibility 1 & DTS, YTT Level 2 & DTS, YTT Level 3 & DTS, Deceptive Flexibility 2 & DTS, SATYA Member in Current Standing
For up-to-date info on scheduling, contact our Turn on Javascript!. She'll be happy to hear from you and will do everything she can to help you plan your training track.
Our Enrollment Advisors will be happy to connect with you and answer any questions - Turn on Javascript! or 610.806.2119