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"Seva is a wonderful way to stay connected to the community and the flow of Grace that moves through everything Svaroopa® Vidya Ashram does." – Kamala G

Seva is a Sanskrit word meaning “selfless service,” work performed without any thought of reward or repayment. In India, seva is one of the ways to propel your spiritual growth while simultaneously contributing to the community.  When you offer seva, you engage in the practice of karma yoga.

Seva has always been alive in our organization, and we are grateful to all who have offered their seva over the decades.  Svaroopa® Vidya Ashram would not be where it is today without the support and dedication of our sevites! 

When you are interested in offering your service an d diving in to the practice of seva, we can offer you an opportunity to serve that will work with your schedule and your skills. Your seva can help expand and enhance Svaroopa® Vidya Ashram to effectively meet the changing needs of our not-for-profit organization and the community that it supports.

If you would like more information, or would like to make an offering of your time, you may fill out this survey to get started (link to Seva Survey).

Or contact our Seva Coordinator, Devapriyaa, at Turn on Javascript!. She will be delighted to help you get started! There is no minimum or maximum amount of time required. Whatever works with your schedule will be so very much appreciated.

"When I signed on as editor of Tadaa! I just intend ed to give back time and work to the source of yoga immersions and teacher training that has truly put me on a path of personal spiritual growth and delightful healing in body and mind. I just intended to give back — but the seva keeps giving me more of all that I cherish in Svaroopa® Vidya Ashram." – Matrika G.