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Certified Meditation Teachers

Current Standing 

 Ashram Certified Meditation Teachers - "Mantra Syllabus"

Maintain your current standing by renewing your professional skills as well as supporting your own personal inner development.  This means you must complete two different programs every three years:

1.  Studying in a Qualifying Professional Training* every 3 years.

2.  AND Participating in a separate Qualifying Retreat** with Swami Nirmalananda every 3 years.  Note:  Professional Trainings do not qualify for this

You get a built-in 4 month grace period, so you have 40 months from your last training to fulfill both study requirements.  See below for more details.

Master Yoga Certified Meditation Teachers - "Survey Syllabus"

Your current standing was valid through December 31, 2017.  To renew and extend your professional status, please contact us at Turn on Javascript!.  We can create a custom plan tfor you hat will deepen your inner experiences and build your skills as a Meditation Teacher.

Qualifying Programs

*Qualifying Professional Trainings

Meditation Teacher Training

Meditation Teacher Training 2

Meditation Group Leader Training

MTT Tune-Up

Leading Short Meditations

Other courses yet to be designed

**Qualifying Retreats

It is the in-person time with Gurudevi that makes such a difference for you, as a yogi and as a teacher.  Thus, it is the onsite retreats that qualify.  However, you may count one of the following programs if you participated online during the pandemic lockdown, between March 2020 and June 2021 (the ending date may be extended as more information becomes available).

Shaktipat Retreat 

Chanting & Meditation Weekend 

New Year Retreat 

Blue Pearl Retreat

Vowed Order Retreat

India Retreat

Other retreats yet to be designed.

Please note that retreats ensure that you are a student, in the role of receiving, especially important for a Meditation Teacher.  Thus, when you serve as an Assistant, the program does not qualify as a retreat for your Current Standing.