Meditation Teacher Trainings (MTT)
Using Your Mind to get Beyond Your Mind
Teach people how to use their mind in a whole new way. These certifications give you tools to help unravel the knots in the mind as well as to discover the deeper dimensionality within.
With Svaroopa® poses, you're working on the mind indirectly, both in classes and in yoga therapy. Here you begin to work on the mind directly. Reliable insights come, transcendental experiences are guaranteed.
The life changes and physical changes that follow come from the inside-outward, the most powerful path to transformation there is.
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In the midst of the ever-changing world, your essence remains the same. Follow the breadcrumb trail laid out by the tantric sages.

MTT Certification Pathways
Certified Guided Meditations Leader, Certified Svaroopa® Vidya Meditation Teacher, Meditation Group Leader, Short Meditations Leader, Discussion Group Leader, Vichara Therapist

Certified Svaroopa® Vidya Meditation Teacher
212 hours On-Site & Online
Certified Svaroopa® Vidya Meditation Teacher

Certified Meditation Group Leader
77 hours On-Site & Online
Certified Meditation Group Leader

Certified Leader of Meditation Intros
51 hours On-Site & Online
Certified Leader of Intro Meditations

Certified Discussion Group Leader
58 hours On-Site & Online
Certified Yoga Philosophy Discussion Group Leader