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Meditation Teacher Training

150 hours On-Site & Online

Certified Svaroopa® Vidya Meditation Teacher

To Know Your Own Self

The inner knowing, beyond thought or belief, an undeniable and blissful certainty within — this is what you seek. Your Self knows your Self.

Meditation Teacher Training

The first step is to deepen your meditations. Our immersion training begins with longer meditation periods day-by-day, along with meditation instruction and teachings that support your inner expansion. 

Then you learn how to put it into words.  Based in the sutras, you learn how to guide others in the same process.  It is a Grace-filled process, for we are riding on the shoulders of the spiritual giants of our lineage.  Their teachings and blessings make meditation easy as well as deep. 

We are able to dive deep and to share it with our students because of the incredible generosity of the Masters in this lineage. To be able to serve them by introducing other people to their own Self is the greatest boon of all. - Gurudevi Nirmalananda

Return home ready to teach an "Intro to Meditation" course with three class meetings.  In each class, you give your students more powerful tools for their meditations.  Plus you are trained to answer their questions and help them with practicalities.

It was an amazing mind opening experience at once grounding me in my Self and in the teachings. - Karen S.

In addition to being thoroughly trained to teach meditation, Swami Nirmalananda injected her rocket fuel to propel us past our minds and well into our Self. - Ruth B. 

After you return home, your DTS (Develop Your Teaching Skills) program supports you in getting your classes going.  Online meetings with your Mentor and co-Mentees keep you attuned to the Grace that makes it all flow.



Shaktipat Retreat with Gurudevi within 18 months prior to the start of our Meditation Teacher Training course

Foundations of Svaroopa® Yoga or Foundations Review within 18 months prior to the start of our Meditation Teacher Training course.

SATYA Member in Current Standing

MTT is offered every two or three years.


Certification Tracks: This certification prepares you to continue in more advanced levels::

Sutra Courses and MeditationTeacher Continuing Ed programs are offered every year.


Trainings for Meditation Teacher Certification

Shaktipat Retreat

Foundations of Svaroopa® Yoga

Meditation Teacher Training 


Become Certified

When you successfully complete this training with DTS, you obtain your formal certification by being a member of SATYA and completing your certification paperwork.


Our Enrollment Advisors will be happy to connect with you and answer any questions - Turn on Javascript! or 610.806.2119