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Meditation Club

Daily Group Meditation

6:30 - 7:30 am (Eastern Time) 

Online Subscription Service

Connect in for your daily meditation, led by Gurudevi Nirmalananda or one of our Ashram swamis.  Our Meditation Club is available by monthly subscription. 

The most important of yoga’s practices is meditation.  But it can be hard to get it going on your own.  Meditating with others makes it much easier, especially when they are experienced meditators.  You get the benefit of their years of practice and the levels into which they have already deepened.

Gurudevi quotes her Guru, who explains how meditation affects your mind:

TResting in the Self, the mind rises again to the plane of Consciousness, Citi. This is the culmination of sadhana, when the mind melts into total awareness, perfect bliss and full contentment…  — Swami Muktananda

For your mind to deepen into its own source, expanding and rising to the plane of pure Consciousness, you must meditate.  We would love to support your process by sharing our daily Ashram meditation with you online.

  • Gurudevi begins with a short reading from her Guru.
  • Then we chant an opening hymn (5 minutes).
  • Now your device will transmit the holy silence for the rest of the hour, a sweet and shakti-filled experience.
  • The call ends with closing mantras.

This is not a meditation course.  This is a daily meditation practice for those who are already trained and initiated in our Svaroopa® Vidya tradition. We offer a free program, "Join Our Meditation Club" to orient you to this deliciious and powerful practice - check our calendar for the latest dates.  Also review the prerequisites below and read our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Contact our Enrollment Advisors to enroll:  610.806.2119 or Turn on Javascript!.


Gurudevi Nirmalananda & Ashram Swamis


Prerequisite:  No meditation instructions are included in the morning meditation, so it is for yogis who have already been trained in our Svaroopa® Vidya  tradition.  Once you have completed one of these programs, you are eligible for these delicious morning meditations:

Free introductory meditation program (not Sunday or Wednesday satsangs) - see our calendar

Learn to Meditate:  online course beginning soon (see our calendar)

Shaktipat Retreat with Gurudevi Nirmalananda

One of our Teacher Training programs, including Foundations or more advanced levels.

Learn to Meditate course with a Svaroopa® Vidya Certified Meditation Teacher [see our Teacher Directory].

We offer a free orientation to get you going.  Enroll in "Join Our Meditation Club", which is offered several times monthly. 

Subscription Info:

Monthly rate: $ 75.00 (this is an average of $2.50 per day)

You enroll by prepaying for a full month and agreeing to a three-month minimum.  Your credit card or bank account will be automatically charged at the beginning of each month.  You may cancel at any time after your first three months; no refunds are given for partial months. 

Periodically you receive new phone codes by email.  Simply click on the link in the mail in order to make your call.

Scholarship rate:  A new member who is facing financial challenges may qualify for 1/3 off for a maximum of three months.  Ask our Enrollment Advisors about this.

To Become a Club Member:

Contact our Enrollment Advisors to enroll:  610.806.2119 or Turn on Javascript!.

Svaroopa® Yoga

When you meditate with a Master, your meditation is fueled by the blessing of their knowing.  - Gurudevi